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Hey kids! Have you heard of the holiday, Easter?

Easter is a very important holiday in spring. It is on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th. It is a religious holiday of Christians, and a holiday spent with family for everyone. So, what is the meaning of Easter?

大家好,小朋友們有沒有聽過復活節呢? 在春天節日裡,復活節是重要的節日喔。復活節的日期每年都不一樣,但一定會是三月底到四月底的其中一個星期日。復活節是一個宗教信仰的節日,但對很多家庭而言也是一個重要的團聚機會。小朋友,你知道復活節的由來嗎?


For Christians, it is a story of hope and joy. Good Friday is the Friday that Jesus Christ was crucified and died for the sins of the people. Three days later, Jesus came to life again. It was on a Sunday, so people marked that day as Easter Sunday.

感恩節對於基督徒來說是一個充滿希望與歡樂的節慶。Good Friday 中文是耶穌受難日,也就是耶穌被釘上十字架,替世人贖罪。三天過後的星期日,耶穌重生。世人將這一個星期天稱為復活節。


On Easter, families get together and have a big Easter dinner. There is usually ham, potatoes, lamb, eggs, and cakes. Families often dye Easter eggs and give Easter baskets full of treats to each other. Sometimes, the adults will hide the Easter eggs around the house or outside, and all the kids will go look for them. This activity is called an “Egg Hunt.”



There are many symbols that represent Easter. Eggs, chicks, the Easter Bunny and lilies are the most famous symbols of Easter. Easter eggs and chicks represent new birth. The Easter Bunny means the power of new lives, and its eyes look like bright full moons at night. Lilies mean a pure new life. All the symbols mean the start of new life and purity.
